Rain Stern – Music Videos

Working with artist Rain Stern and M.O.D. Media, I helped produce 2 music videos, from very different production perspectives.

The first – I’m Not Them – Was shot using an 8K camera, capturing footage to later edit in post production. The concept of the video, switches perspectives and on stage elements, while requiring video and shot continuity. I was in charge of recording, technical/creative direction, and organizing the team to meet our tight deadline.

Rain Stern – I’m not them

The 2nd Video – Touchin’ Don’t Feel Right – Was a submission for the NPR Tiny Desk concert series. It was shot in 1 take, and required a lot of logistical planning and creative techniques. I was mainly responsible for capturing audio, but stepped in to adjust lighting and direct the production. Shot in the WORT vinyl room, a true goldmine of musical history.

Behind the Scenes:

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